Five Things People Believe that Are Not Supported By Science

1. Self-love is a viable replacement for the two-person version.

For a very, very long time, about two years, in fact, it has been held that self-love could get a person by. Now, that superstition is being shaken by recent scientific findings that indicate that is total crap. Like, really. Upon analyzing the matter, it was discovered it was quite well digested.

2. Women like sensitive men.

This myth has been longstanding and pervasive, most likely old wives’ tale, coming from an old wife who did not have a sensitive husband. Later, the old wife got into a fight with her old husband, explained what a woman wanted, and subsequently was told by her husband a woman didn’t know what a woman wanted. Turns out that experience is the best teacher, so one has to live and learn, I guess. But it’s pretty dang inconvenient for all the sensitive guys out there.

3. Keeping your mouth shut doesn’t help to stop global warming.

There is no scientific evidence for it, but there’s no scientific evidence against. I suggest we all try this sometime.


4. “No” always means “no”.

If somebody asks, “Can you hear me now?” and you say, “No,” don’t you actually mean “Yes”? Can’t argue with that logic now can ya? No.


5. Listicles Count As Journalism.

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