Liberals Worried Lying, Cheating, Philandering President Will Legislate Morality on Them

The Handmaid's Tale

Victoria Pickering/FLICKR

A small group of bonneted women-in-red gathered outside the White House to demonstrate their disapproval of President Trump being depraved.

“He’s going to make this Handmaid’s Tale,” one anonymous angry lady said. “He’s going to make this country his own personal Christian nation, he’s a theocratic pig! We’ve seen how he loves to throw the Bible in people’s faces, chasing porn stars around the room just so he can catch them and talk about the Good News.”

[Editor’s note: the exclamation marks were spoken, and not added by the writer.]

The women marching around with signs saying things like “Republicans of Gilead” said they worried this small group of evangelical lunatics would ascend to power and suddenly get a stranglehold on the promiscuous, sex-crazed American population, and end the noble democracy as we know it.

They say this promiscuous, sex-crazed President does not represent the majority of the American population.

“Yeah, we’re also worried about Mike Pence,” she said, referring to the 60-year-old man who sits around like he’s waiting on his wife to get out of a changing room. She then abruptly left and continued hoisting her “Impeach Trump” sign aloft.